Pirate The World - Online Adventure Game

game reset
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Author:  mr_six_shooter [ Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  game reset

I just wanted to suggest to the board that maybe
it's time for a reset. I know most will object, but
how does anyone expect to ever cash in for gold with
larry and popcan controlling most of the gold? It
might also be a good idea to reset every 6 months or
so. There would be an advantage for the game in that
most will use up more silver daubloons at the start
buying moves and fame resets. The game needs
something extra to add life to it. Probably why you
have been asking for suggestions (you did a good job
with the pearls), my suggestion is a reset and make a
race for the most cannons in a month, or something
like first one to get to a level 8 ship (something
along those lines). You could give a special award of
recognition for best pirate at the end of each reset.
award them with silver dabloons for the next round.
Just my humble opinion, it's a great game and most
of the players are very friendly.

Most sincerely and respectfully,

a.k.a. mr_six_shooter

Author:  xtkiller [ Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

Get ready for the flak. I like the idea myself. It would defiantly even the playing field. Instead of dreaming of catching up to, the big guys it would actually be a reality that can happen.

Author:  mr_six_shooter [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

No flak yet? Very disappointed. Thought for sure some of the "big boys" would at least shoot the idea down. Not enough new players to understand what is being suggested.

Author:  globell45 [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

I personally think it is a great idea. Like it was said before, it would level the playing field and give us littler ones a better chance of cashout. Let's hope something will be at least thought about on this.

Author:  smiller [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

well here is my view:

1. If there are constant resets then I wouldnt have thought many pirates would spend much money on the game.

2. Why should players who have invested time and money be penalised?

3. Some of the posts seem to condem larry and pop for being the best players - when they have spent the most money, or time or played smartest. Its a game there will always be winners, normally the ones who train hardest and have most talent.

4. If new players come in a couple of weeks before the reset, they will surley leave when they are suddenly set 0. Following that some kind of newbie protection is needed.

5. Well I dont need a fith because 123&4 are so great!

Author:  CSStriker [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

smiller pretty much nailed it on the head there...except for number 5....that was wayyyy off

as much as I enjoyed the excitement and such that there was in the very beginning right after reset, there are just way too many things that neeed to be put iinto perspective first...

Author:  tiqvah [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

Though a periodic reset may be a good thing, doing it as a reaction seems like the pendulum going too far the other direction, but unless we're talking (servers) crash time, that's something that should be thought out, communicated and worked out well in advance.

If it was decided that every year there would be a reset on May 1st or some such, that would be something that could be worked with. Everyone would know it was coming, etc.

There are adjustments that can be made, and frankly technical issues that need to be worked out before a good fresh start could be done. I'd like to see what the Cap'n can develop and work into the game with what we have.

Interesting note: I don't really see any flak, just folks with a difference of opinion so far. Think maybe we all learned to get along even when we disagree?

Author:  mr_six_shooter [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

As I said before, I think that maybe there could be recognition for what larry and popcan have accomplished. Give them the titles of best pirates and maybe award them with silver daubloons for their troubles. They will surely be at the very top again. I am sure they will still win lots of gold and silver for their efforts. As far as someone comming in at the verge of a reset, they will at least be familarized with what's going on in the game and have a better chance after the reset. I don't think that they will leave if they understand that everyone starts over and it's to their advantage.
I hope larry and popcan don't think that I am making an attack on them. I think that they have done an awesome job in the game. They are not the only ones either. There are a dozen or so players that I can't attack and they always get me at the worst possible time. I am not botherd by it in the least. Just a game. A fun game.


Author:  Bugaboo_xxx [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset


Personally I think this is an awful idea! :shock: I would be really annoyed if our stats were reset and I'm not even a big player! mr_six_shooter you started playing the game right around the same time I started and I remember you got me good a time or two when I couldn't get you, I think your a really cool bloke from talking to you in chat but I still like the fact that I can get you back now that the bug ship grew a little! hehe. When I started PTW I had no game plan, I would run around all over the place, attack everything in sight and carry ridiculous amounts of fame like all the time! I never built a map so never farmed and I never even thought about fishing. I did OK until the upgrades got to about what, 30-50k or so each, then I ran into a brick wall and was going to quit! Smiller then persuaded me to stay and have a go at making top three in the new pirate ranks, which I did and I also found a prize pearl for an ipod right after that! hehe. So now I am glad I stayed! :P

So lately I have been trying to play a bit more smart and no longer carry huge amounts of fame with me, sorry guys, and I am doing sooo much better! I have put a load of time and effort into the game lately as well as bought a fair amount of fame resets, which I would not have bothered doing if I knew there was going to be a reset any time soon. I am by no means a tough pirate as I still get creamed a LOT, loads of people can still get in on me but I realise that is part of the game and the whole point. Although I grrr at the big guys as much as the next pirate, I do feel that they are almost being punished for putting in a lot of time and effort, they obviously didn't get where they are now by playing the way I did when I first started!

I see PTW as a game. I am not really bothered about cash out, I just to like to upgrade when I can cos I like the challenge of trying to get in on people that used to hit me a lot! hehe. I feel some people act almost as if this is their income or something but it's a game that is free to play, that is great fun, has a great chat room, has neat prizes and the added bonus of cashing out if you play it smart. I saw a post from someone saying that this game is set up so that the little guys have no chance of cashing out, that is just crazy, put the effort in and you CAN DO IT!!! It just won't happen overnight and why should it? :?

Anyway my point is, lol, that I would be sooo annoyed to be reset back to a 1 radar and a dinghy when I have tried so hard lately to upgrade, I think the only problem with this game is the lag which snookers me and other pirates a bit but that can't be helped. If the game reset I probably wouldn't spend so much time on it, if any at all, and definitely wouldn't spend any cash on it. :evil:

Anywho, I am done now! lol.

Author:  mr_six_shooter [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

I am glad to see nobody is really out there blasting my post. Thanks everyone. Bug, you are just too cute 8) . I do respect that post of yours and it makes since to most players (and I agree I would hate to lose my upgrades and start over). However I still think that if we had new goals to be reset every few months then we would recruit more pirates. Most lose intrest after they relize (as you said at 50k per upgrade) how hard it is to get to an upgrade and they have no chance of catching up with other pirates. Plus, the pirates that have left would probably return if they are informmed of a reset and can start fresh. You will still have pirates that work togather with their radars, and farming.
Again, it's a fun game and let's keep it fun.

Yeee Haaa!


Author:  popcan [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

i guess i may as well put my 2 cents in this thread.

If the game were to be reset I think it would be best to do it if there was a total re-design of the game. there is a ton of great suggestions and im certain the admins have several of their own to implement also.

for the record I have not spent 1 cent on this game since the reset , partly because im cheap but mostly because i enjoy(most of the time) the challenge of constantly having to change my strategy.

Im not for or against a reset , whatever happens happens lol

Author:  Nimizts [ Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

sounds to me everyone is worried about Larry and crew.

The real question is how to change up the top spot and top cash out with out ruining the game for everyone.

Simple. : make it so you lose half your stats once you take a cash out. Want to continue playing with out loseing stats then dont take the cash out.

Author:  smiller [ Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

How on earth would that work??

No one would ever cash out if you lose half your stats!

Those that play to chase cashout would stop playing

And finally certain pirates would get even harder if they didnt spend gold on cashout, making the gap even wider which seems to be what this thread is about.

Author:  MrsAir [ Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

heres a thought
if you cash out you should loose
1 cannon
1 crew member
1 hull
1 Navigation
hows that?

Author:  tiqvah [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: game reset

Im with Mrs Air on this one... knock the stats a lil bit but not the whole way.
One or two a piece and leave radar and ship alone--- sounds good. (Maybe 1 if you get silver 2 if you get gold?)

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