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 Post subject: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:29 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:26 pm
Posts: 124
I'm wondering what decisions have been made regarding reset?
any info would be nice

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:10 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:34 pm
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I had the same question.
Hope it is not like last reset, where decicions were announced just 2 or 3 days before.

One week before is a bit better but when it will be later then it would (in mij opinion) be more sympatic to make october 1 the date for major changes. For active players it would make a big difference. Now they are playing and just don't know what to do. Upgrade or not? Buy extra map spaces or not? etc...
I play as usual but have no idea if it's worth it :?

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:27 pm 
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I believe we have had several weeks notice. When the polls went up and ask the questions about Sept 1, I took that to mean we would have a reset (or not) on Sept 1. As per the polls we should have a reset and a map shuffle. I don't think waiting till Oct would be a very good idea because alot of the players have quit playing. I for one, wouldn't be able to get another upgrade very easily with the players that are playing right now. There are only several that are worth hitting. And I think some are waiting for the reset to even play because they are maxed out on upgrades or the upgrades are so high it is nearly impossible to get them.

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:02 am 
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Last year the polls where on time but the decision what would/should happen came just 2 or 3 days before the reset.
Just like this time. After the hotels had no internet connection it seems Seacaptainn has no internetconnection at all because again he does not react on this matter.

Only 2 days from september and maybe major changes but no one knows what will happen! And that is the point I don't like.
Do you want to change things in the game? Fine, but inform the players.

Now there were several polls and that was all. After the polls ended there was no information. No one knows what will happen on wednesday. Maybe there is a reset, maybe not. Maybe it is better to save your gold, maybe not, etc., etc.,

On this way I am really thinking about leaving the game. It makes no sense. Sometimes the webmaster is here, most time he is not!!!
He opens polls but he doesn't come tell us what he will do with the results. In the polls are september 1 called. Now it is 2 days before and we know nothing at all!!!!!!

Sorry, I like this game but I am a member and just want to know what is going on or will happen. And our webmaster seems not to inform us on time.

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:06 pm 
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I agree with you on that, it is a pain in the .... SeaCapt hasn't been on since Aug 24th, I agree he should be around more and he should tell us what is going to happen. I hope you stick around to see what is going to happen on the 1st. I am afraid if he don't do something at that time there won't be many left on the seas.

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:31 am 
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Surprise, surprise.......... Nothing happened.

Nice to have official polls when votes are ignored :!: Also nice to have a webmaster who does not inform his members. Now a lot of members where saving their gold for maybe 1 SD. And they also lost a lot because they did save that gold.

No, I did not loose any gold, only my faith in this game.
Seacaptainn: This is not the way to attract new members and also not the way te keep "old" members. It's more a sinking ship.

And sorry: again the excuse you had no internetconnection is hard to believe. If you don't want to put energy anymore on PTW just tell us.

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:11 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:55 pm
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Well I for one am very happy that the reset didn't happen :D :D :D I don't like them!!! I'm a bit peeved that I didn't know tho so I could have played accordingly last month. What a waste of a month really!!! What are you doing to us Seacaptainn???? I think you may have just lost even more players. If you aren't interested in the game anymore, why don't you sell it to someone who will spend the time keeping it going???? Or just leave it as it is & see how long it lasts, see who will be the last lonely pirate sailing endlessly round an empty ocean :?: :?:

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:42 pm 
the evil pirate

Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:57 pm
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something needs to be done soon ..... i played this month sacrificing a very important upgrade (so i can beat mary hehe) this month so that the 10 pirates who do their 30 weekly withdrawals from me got basically nothing from me because i wasked all my gold getting my 25 and 30 move ship, thankfully i didnt upgrade my obs from its current level of 2 lol.

everyone is blaming seacapt.... how about throwing some blame towards bcp , i see bcp online on msn everyday but he hasnt done anything to help PTW in a year . he is also the registered owner of PTW so its not seacapt's fault that the game is not sold or for sale.

im still gonna play for a while , still interested in purchasing the game . we cant expect them to pay hosting fees forever on a game earning zero revenue.

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:31 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:27 pm
Posts: 175
well i was thinking about making a comeback
guess that idea is out of the question now
nothing happened
very disappointed

good luck everyone with what ever happens
if anything happens

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:02 pm 
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:lol: your not the only one that wasted upgrades on the ship popcan. As for you beating me :lol: your probally going to do it now because the upgrade is so high that I doubt if I can get it. But it was fun seeing you fail on me after all the hammering I took from you in the past :lol: . I love this game and I will probally be one of the last pirates sailing around in the vast open sea. :oops:
I just wonder how many will still play the game now that seacapt (and bcp) have done what they done!?

 Post subject: Re: What are we expecting Sept 1?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:19 pm 
The Doom-Bringer / Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:12 pm
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I am very sorry for letting everyone down...again. I can make all the excuses that I want but it's not going to make it better. I sound like a broken record. Feeling guilty about not getting anything done makes me avoid coming back to the forums and then that just makes me feel even more guilty.

It is quite obvious that PTW is losing players and suffering because of my lack of commitment to working on PTW.

I am going to have to figure out what to do with the game, and I need to do this sooner than later if PTW is to survive. It's been around for 5 years for better or worse, and with a little help I think it can pull through.

To find, explore the funds off shore and skirt the shoals of bankruptcy!

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