Pirate The World - Online Adventure Game

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Author:  unclegar95 [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  WHY WHY WHY

WHY are things not being fixed?

people are still not getting their moves on resets

you have added some sort of thing that checks if people get their moves
well its wrong also
i dont see how its so hard to look at the account and see if they used the moves or not if if they didnt then check to see if they still have the moves

WHY cant you fix the gold thingy
if both partys are saying the same thing then fix the problem take the gold out of the persons account and give it to the other... the problem started when this new attack system started so start looking there..

WHY cant you explain the new attack system... you are losing alot of players the good the bad and inbetween.. they dont understand none of us understand

WHY cant you fix this terrible lag.... ITS TOTAL BS upgrade do something post a plan of action give us a clue that your going to do something

WHY cant you add some of these ways that every one has suggested to make more money so that you can make some more and upgrade the game so it can run smoother

skip the prizes next month its not going to keep the people playing when the game doesnt run right and you dont know how to play


Author:  neo98292 [ Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here Here

Author:  Capt_Greedy_Others [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

So very true. Admin still hasn't fixed nor addressed my issue with flkb in the bug section. I'm still missing my gold and so is flkb.

Author:  neo98292 [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am coming close to hanging it up. I can't hardly upgrade anymore, I am losing gold constantly to pirates that shouldn't even be able to touch me and them succeeding on me, the slowness of the page loading is sucking the joy. Haven't given up yet, but I am getting close.

Author:  shelvock [ Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well I've talked to the programmer about it and he says that it shouldn't be that people aren't getting their moves. He said if one get it all get it if one doesn't get it all shouldn't get it. So I've asked to get things resolved so I'll talk with him about it tonight and try and get things resolved.

Author:  CaptainSpaz [ Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow guys - can't you ever just play the game with a little bit of an unknown factor involved?

Isn't it more fun not knowing? I mean, was knowing that you could go and attack the same people three times a week, and then island hop inbetween that much better? I don't think so. What's the fun of knowing the outcome before you do it?

Have you ever played the lottery? If so, why? They don't tell you the numbers that are due to be drawen - and you can't determine that you will win or lose - Until it happens. Sure you know the odds, but do the horrible chances honestly stop you? I bet we'd still all attack Popcan either way lol :wink:

What about war (sorta like real life ptw) - I bet lots more people would be alive if they knew exactly how stuff was going to go. The future in general is unknown - deal with it, and in this case play the game.

They already told you fame 0=1% lost still, so keep your fame at that and you don't have to worry.

Most adverture games in general give you a list of controls (which ptw has provided) and then you are on your own to figure out what to do. Sure there are walkthroughs, and I'd have to guess all you complainers use them lol

Well, this post is getting kinda long, but just play the game (and don't attack me :wink: ) Honestly, the games better without knowing.

Author:  KingDragun [ Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:09 pm ]
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aww is wih whul gary gonna quit cause he don't know what's going on

Author:  huskerswrkhavoc [ Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

KingDragun wrote:
aww is wih whul gary gonna quit cause he don't know what's going on

just like the "wih whul babey dwagon is gonna cwy" cuz no one wants him to be moderator

Author:  shelvock [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I like his new sig lol.

Author:  Nolita [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:02 am ]
Post subject: 

CaptainSpaz wrote:
Have you ever played the lottery? If so, why? They don't tell you the numbers that are due to be drawen - and you can't determine that you will win or lose - Until it happens. Sure you know the odds, but do the horrible chances honestly stop you? I bet we'd still all attack Popcan either way lol :wink:

But the lottery isn't billed as a game of strategy.

Author:  OnyxTower [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nolita wrote:
CaptainSpaz wrote:
Have you ever played the lottery? If so, why? They don't tell you the numbers that are due to be drawen - and you can't determine that you will win or lose - Until it happens. Sure you know the odds, but do the horrible chances honestly stop you? I bet we'd still all attack Popcan either way lol :wink:

But the lottery isn't billed as a game of strategy.

Good point. The lottery is a game based on luck. If it were based on stratergy we'd all be rich. But i see where your heading with this spaz but every game does need a vision of how things work like chess for example. You have to know a little know how on how the pieces work like the way knights move as well as the bishop and pawns. In other words games needs rules and limitations. Without them its a free to do anything type of game. OK. I think i made sense if not my bad and peace out to all.

Author:  Nolita [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

U make sense Onyx. When the rules constantly change and not all players understand them, then it starts to feel not unlike when you play a game of cards with a 3 year old. You can't win, or at least it feels that way.

That said, I'm not complaining. It seems the changes have helped players at and around my level greatly.

I do feel though, that unclegar was most upset about not receiving his moves. Since he was writing a rant in the Rant & Rave section, all his gripes spilled into it.

Author:  neo98292 [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nailed it on the head Onyx! Nothing to base any strategy on anymore-it feels like a free for all and really no point in having colored pirates anymore because it no longer applies. We should all just be green.

Author:  LordAmbush [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think it would be nice if the "How to Play" and the "FAQ" pages were revised. There are many things in those documents that are unclear.

For one, it refers to the ships as "P"s. Thankfully, we now have clever dots.

I am guessing that new player retention in this game is terrible. Even though at the lower levels you get to updgrade more (which in my opinion is one of the high moments of the game), new players often don't know what to do.

The people I have refered play a few times, lose all their gold, and wait to be sunk. There are probably other things that could be done, but clear expectations could help.

Author:  shelvock [ Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Well a suggestion that was posted to make it so if you're greater than them that you succeed but lower players could still beat you sounds good. We'll have to see what the majority says.

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