160, 000 spaces to make your predictions,
To steal other pirates gold to support your addictions,
Curses and boasting echos from lips,
As you dodge storms and sink ships.
You check islands and attack towns for plunder,
Tis better not to blunder,
You know better than to be so bold,
Than to run with high fame and lose your gold.
I hate to complain to other players,
but I hate storms and please bring back the assayers.
Because observation cannot see storms afar,
What I'd like is an upgrade to "Doplar Radar".
Some of us will spend all day on our ptw farm,
While some will fish and cause alarm,
I know pirates that will hail,
Please Goldpirate don't shoot holes in my sail.
That is all my ranting and raving for now,
It's ok if you fire across my bow.
p.s. I'm obviously not good at poetry so let's hear someone do something better.