Pirate The World - Online Adventure Game

Interesting thoughts on game economys
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Author:  Cremaster [ Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Interesting thoughts on game economys

I play another game and it got hacked the other day. There was so much money floating around and items to be had for almost nothing. It was real strange. I stole some cash, and it got so easy I started to wonder how these level 5 players had so much cash. Well the word got out on the grape vine that the game was hacked (my first time in the middle of one of these) and that there would be consequences to "illegal" behavior. It was funny as I watched a subculture revealed itself. You had bathroom/hall monitors in real life come out and take up the position of game police, others became judge and jurrys and would hospitalize you to stop your wanton behavior, there were diplomats, peace makers, and even warlords that came to the front trying to take advantage of the game and the new weakness.

Anyway I looked up games etc on the WIWIWIWIWIWkikiwikiskiwksikwwwkksi thing and found that games were a virtual labotory of human behavior. They have black markets, sub markets, criminalls, teachers, exploiters, everything that is in the human experience is in the games. The wikikiwwwiwiwkiekwi thing even said that there could be cyber rape, which I find strange but I guess it could happen.

So where am I going with this? Well farming. Farming got its name from a sub economy in china where people with a box and internet conection actually move about and play games, gathering gold and items and then selling them on the black market. In other words chinamen are actually making a living farming games. This is of course limited to large games like warcraft, etc. but I just though it was kewl.

I will now return to the tail of the bell curve where I belong.

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