wknight95 wrote:
You purchase it with Paypal?
Cause if you did, it usually is automated and happens at time of purchase.
Same with Fame Reset's.
As far as Looking for the Amin's.
They not always on, but the Fastest way to reach them any time of day is thru a PM to them.
They respond asap as they not have to be in the game to know when a PM is sent them.
Also, 1 thing I might suggest, a Fame Reset would of done you more good than a Move Purchase.
Fame works like this>
Gold Lost per attack
Fame Lev Lost
0 1%
1 2%
2 3%
and so forth.
Every fame Lev you have add's 1 % of gold you will lose per attack against you.
Now if you did have 0 Fame and lost that much gold, then you got hit a whole whole bunch and ouch.
Word of advice, in this game it is better to Stop playing with 0 fame and 20 moves left than it is to stop with even lev 3 fame and 0 moves.
So, get low on move's, look for Islands and that about all and hope that you get that Fame reset.
If ya have questions about this hint or maybe you are new and just wanna ask a few questions about the game to maybe help you play better, just send me a PM and I will answer it when I can get the time.
I am usually logged into the forums myself at least 1 time a day.
if it was the 2nd time she bought moves... it doesnt usually add... unless thats been changed, that was back early january